They say that friends are the family that you choose. But when you're a goldfish trapped in a bowl for your whole life, you're pretty much fucked. When an adolescent puppy who's as trustful as he is lustful trots into her life all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, will Fishy try her best to ignore his exposed anus and befriend the freak? Or will she make a tasteless joke about his questionable parentage and proceed to call his mother a whore?
Come join Patch and Punnet on its first production of 2020 as they take you on an emotional rollercoaster that's as wholesome as it's lewd, and as heartfelt as it's frivolous. Taking place at the second floor of a newly renovated shophouse in the heart of Little India, Patch and Punnet finally returns to take another stab at making cozy living room theatre; this time with floor chairs so no one'll strain their back.
Get your tickets, grab a drink from the bar (woohoo alcohol), arrive early to snag the couch a la Friends, and brace yourself for a heartwarmingly disgusting and disgustingly heartwarming story about the friendship between a dog and a fish!