Obedience is relative to the society that orders it and social belonging is its reward. In the pursuit of acceptance and belonging, we lose a lively sense of self to a lacklustre sameness that forgets the free spirit. Agency is exercised in disobedience; although it penalizes with social rejection. Negotiating between the push of individualism and the pull of collectivism, ThisObedience is a tongue-in-cheek display of wilful behaviour—a conscious criticism of the unconscious conformation to the myriad of social norms that bind us together as one banal being. It is a botched balancing beam that bargains for individualism in a culture that is biased towards collectivism. This obedience makes much of a muchness; society must make way for disobedience.
Navigating the margins of obedience and disobedience, the collective of artists articulate the modern melodies of what society would regard "the reckless indulgences of the millennial"—such as self-consciousness and self-deprecation, amid a conscious abstinence of societal conformation—in this profoundly personal showcase. The series traverses the themes of the socially acceptable and unacceptable by manipulating a myriad of mediums, from traditional, to mixed media, to interactive, to sculpture.
Featuring artworks by: George Angelovski, Jodi Cheung, Keith Ang, Leroy Sofyan, Nyan Soe, Ryf Zaini, Tan Wee Lit
Co-curated by: Jocelyn Tan
Join us for the opening night on 28 Aug 7pm - 9pm