
【实话实说系列 Dialogue Series】 'Space of Taboos': Huh? Artist Wellness?

Organised by: 实践剧场 The Theatre Practice
  • Date:
    29 May 2017
  • Time:
  • Duration:
  • Venue:
    实堂 Practice Tuckshop, 58 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187953
    实堂 Practice Tuckshop, 58 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187953实堂 Practice Tuckshop, 58 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187953
  • Language:


In the arts industry, performers subject themselves to all kinds of vulnerabilities. While learning to survive in an industry characterized by constant flux, we want to ask performers: 'What gives?' in their process of adapting to this pressure cooker.

We bring you Dialogue Series 'Space of Taboos': Huh? Artist Wellness? In this dialogue, we hope to create a safe space for an open and honest sharing. We hope to address the concept of Mental Wellness specific to performers in the arts industry. However, solutions are not a must. This is hopefully, a first step in raising awareness, enlivening and empowering our community.

Panel includes: Michele Lim, Alvin Tan, Li-Anne Tan, moderated by Kuo Jian Hong.

【实话实说系列 Dialogue Series】 'Space of Taboos': Huh? Artist Wellness?
