
The Art of Facing Fear - World United Version (Singapore)

Organised by: The Red Curtain International
  • Date:
    20 Jun 2021
  • Time:
  • Venue:


In a dystopian future, people are trying to reconstruct stories from a life before the pandemic. In quarantine for 5,555 days, isolated and anguished, they created an internet group to connect. These friends don't understand how electricity still exists or there is access to the web, because television stations and newspapers have ceased to exist and cities have been abandoned. Depression, loneliness, fear of contagion, anguish over the proximity of death pervade the scenes of the show.


After the Brazilian, Afro-European and North American montages of the digital play "The Art of Facing Fear", the company Os Satyros will premiere the world version in June, with actors from Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, China, Cuba, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Korea, Nigeria, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, United Kingdom, USA and Venezuela, who will each perform from their homes, directed by Rodolfo García Vázquez, director of Brazilian company.

The Art Of Facing Fear
World United version

Actors from five continents gathered by their love for theatre to talk about the planetary event that changed the lives of more than seven billion people.

"The Art of Facing Fear", recognized as one of the iconic works created during the pandemic, was staged for the first time in June 2020, talking about the perplexity and fear of an unknown situation faced by the entire planet, and that even today it has many unanswered questions.

The montage, which has already been seen by more than 30,000 people, is a co-production by Os Satyros and The Red Curtain International, an artistic organization from India, a country that is today the epicenter of the pandemic.