
7 Sages of the Bamboo Grove 竹林七贤 (Screening)

Organised by: Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay Performed by: Toy Factory Productions TOY肥料厂
  • Date:
    24 - 31 May 2020
  • Duration:
    Approx. 1h 45min
  • Venue:
  • Language:
    Mandarin with English subtitles
  • Admission:
    Free or pay-as-you-wish: $5, $10, $20, $50


Stay in touch with culture through the arts. Catch the screening of 7 Sages of the Bamboo Grove and let the magic unfold from 24 – 31 May on this all-new SISTIC Live platform. Watch for free or pay for a ticket if you can. Proceeds from ticket sales go to Toy Factory Productions, the arts group featured in this production.

Originally presented at Huayi - Chinese Festival of Arts 2020


This is a surveillance state.

The Organisation reigns supreme over the governance of the known world. Led by Cao Shuang, it controls the basic free will of all men using technology as its weapon—impelling everyone to wear a specially-programmed headset that instructs, controls and eavesdrops. A new law is implemented, forbidding artistic endeavours like music, entertainment, poetry or prose. Acts of disobedience lead to immediate arrest, imprisonment without trial, or worse — execution.

Everyone obeys, with the exception of The Organisation's arch-nemeses, seven revolutionaries who are artists by nature — Ji Kang, Ruan Ji, Shan Tao, Xiang Xiu, Liu Ling, Ruan Xian and Wang Rong. Placated neither by the lure of wealth nor the promise of power, their resistance soon captures the attention of their cagey government. Under the watchful eyes of The Organisation's Head of Surveillance, Ma Siyi, the painter loses possession of his brush, the poet is prohibited from writing, the dancer no longer moves freely and the musician is forbidden to compose. Unbeknownst to all, Ma is planning to wield absolute control over the entirety of human civilisation through body-implanted microchips.

Can the seven break free and liberate mankind from the grasp of The Organisation? In this dystopic era, can they trust each other enough to work together towards a common good?

Inspired by the real-life historical figures of the Seven Sages, this new and riveting work traces the artists' tireless and relentless search for the elusive bamboo grove, an oasis of freedom for humanity. Can the arts ultimately be the force that saves mankind?

7 Sages of the Bamboo Grove is an Esplanade commission and presented in conjunction with Toy Factory Productions' 30th Anniversary celebrations.

Director/Playwright/Set Designer: Goh Boon Teck
Playwright/Dramaturg: Koh Teng Liang
Sound Designer and Composer: Benjamin Lim Yi
Starring: Sharon Au | Nelson Chia | Loh Jun Hong | Tang Shao Wei | Timothy Wan | Sugie Phua | Jodi Chan | Li Te | Ching Shu Yi | Alvin Chiam | Liew Jia Yi | Liew Liting | Ryan Ang | Deonn Yang | Qiu Yue | Ric Liu


想念剧场,想念看戏?滨海艺术中心精彩重现,由TOY肥料厂制作的原创剧目《竹林七贤》。在2020年5月24日至31日之间,通过全新的SISTIC Live平台,随心观赏我们之前所录制的演出。您可以选择免费或购票观看。票房所得将转交至TOY肥料厂。






《竹林七贤》是TOY 肥料厂创团三十周年的演出作品之一,以三国魏晋时期《竹林七贤》的故事为创作灵感的现代舞台剧。历史中七贤反对司马氏的执政与官僚斗争,隐居竹林,在诗歌、音乐与哲学的创作中获得解放,而剧中的 "竹林七贤"是否也能用艺术为人类创造精神自由的理想境界?

音效设计/作曲: 林忆
主演:欧菁仙 | 谢燊杰 | 骆竣宏 | 唐绍炜 | 温伟文 | 潘嗣敬 | 陈珮文 | 李特 | 庄舒怡 | 詹辉振 | 刘佳宜 | 廖俪庭 | 洪正恒 | 杨佳乐 | 邱岳 | 刘晋旭