Theatre, Zabbalang

Touch You Later!

Organised by: Centre 42 Performed by: Chong Gua Khee & Bernice Lee
  • Date:
    30 Apr 2020
  • Time:
    5:00pm, 6:00pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm
  • Duration:
  • Venue:


Touch You Later! is an online participatory performance by Chong Gua Khee and Bernice Lee, and draws from their joint explorations in Tactility Studies (2018-ongoing). The work places bodies and physical touch front and centre as it attempts to make sense of the connections between the physical, the social, and the emotional.

Facilitated by the artists, each 30-40min session is open for up to 5 audience members. In this intimate work, audiences are invited to encounter their bodies as a site and space for performance.

How might we respond to the current compounded losses of touch, of autonomy, of bustling buildings and gatherings of people? In our current digital spheres of communication, how can we re-trace and re-discover pathways of intimacy and touch with both human and non-human bodies?

The performances on 30th April are a special edition of Touch You Later!, through which we hope to gather together, mark what would have been Centre 42's last day at 42 Waterloo Street, and more importantly, to celebrate Centre 42's work and efforts.

Till we meet again at Centre 42 and other performing arts venues, come join us to play, to dance, and to hope.