Theatre, Dance, Zabbalang

Practice Tuckshop Incubation - Hello, How Do You Move?

Organised by: Practice Tuckshop
  • Date:
    9, 16 Nov 2019
  • Time:
    4:30pm, 7:30pm
  • Duration:
  • Venue:
    Practice Tuckshop, 58 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187953


"To watch these dancers in such close proximity in a café space, was a deeply moving experience..." (Audience, M1 Patch!)

Practice Tuckshop is pleased to welcome Rachel Nip and Ammar, who will be developing their project Hello, How Do You Move? The first stage of the incubation process culminated in a series of closed-door showcases during M1 Patch! in August this year. This coming November, we are excited to open our doors to you!

Hello, How Do You Move? is a research and performance project created by Rachel Nip, a hearing choreographer/dancer and Ammar, a Deaf choreographer/dancer. It is a duet centred on shifting perspectives and challenging limitations. The final showcase includes a site-specific structured improvisation dance performance, followed by a Q&A session that allows audiences to gain insight into a process that celebrates how dancers of different abilities communicate and create.

Follow Rachel and Ammar's journey and track their progress online on Hello, How Do You Move's Facebook page @SayHiWithMovement.

Sign language interpretation will be provided for all performances.

Practice Tuckshop is accessible for wheelchair users to enter the venue by the front entrance. If you require a wheelchair space or would like to understand more about transferring options, please indicate your request in the form when you book your ticket, or contact us at

About Practice Tuckshop
Practice Tuckshop is a creative playground for all, seeking to consistently push the boundaries of art-making and challenge the parameters of what "theatre" can be. We provide resources and support to incubate and grow diverse ideas, especially those that artistically respond to the space. #spacesmallsmalldreambigbig

Follow @PracticeTuckshop on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates.