Theatre, Music

Young Children’s Concert 2021: DiSCOvering Treasures of Chinese Music – Riddles in the Raindrops

Organised by: Singapore Chinese Orchestra
  • Date:
    29 May 2021
  • Time:
  • Duration:
  • Venue:
    Singapore Chinese Orchestra Hall, Singapore Conference Hall, Lv 2
    Singapore Chinese Orchestra Hall, Singapore Conference Hall, Lv 2Singapore Chinese Orchestra Hall, Singapore Conference Hall, Lv 2
  • Language:
    Conducted in English
  • Admission:
    Live concert Pass - $20, $28
  • Advisory:
    All ages are welcome, kids friendly


Imagine water trickling sounds from different instruments? Which instruments can produce these intricate and beautiful melodious music? Based on the book "Musical Adventures with Quek Quek", don't miss this opportunity to continue on a music adventure with Quek Quek as he explores the world of Chinese orchestra plucked-string instruments! Have a family day out and join us in this fun-filled music adventure!

Young Children's Concert 2021: DiSCOvering Treasures of Chinese Music – Riddles in the Raindrops Programme

指挥 Conductor: 郭勇德 Quek Ling Kiong

《水珠泡泡里的谜》| 陈家荣作曲

Musical Adventure IV | Composed by Tan Kah Yong

《渔舟唱晚》(选段) | 古曲、刘斌编曲

Fishermen's Song at Dusk (excerpt) | Traditional music, Arranged by Liu Bin

古筝Guzheng: 许徽Xu Hui

《小河淌水》(选段) | 云南民歌、顾冠仁编曲

Water of the Trickling Stream (excerpt) | Folk song from Yunnan, Arranged by Gu Guanren

竖琴Harp:梁帼婷Fontane Liang

《丝路驼铃》(选段) | 宁勇作曲、周煜国改编

Silk Road Camel Bells (excerpt) | Composed by Ning Yong, Rearranged by Zhou Yu Guo

中阮Zhongruan:罗彩霞 Lo Chai Xia

大阮Daruan:饶思铭Ngeow Si Ming, Jonathan


Dream of the Red Chamber

VI:《刘姥姥》Grandma Liu | Composed by Wang Li Ping

三弦领奏 Sanxian:黄桂芳Huang Guifang

《嵩山印象》| 王惠然、王红艺作曲、王惠然配器

Songshan Impressions | Composed by Wang Hui Ran, Wang Hong Yi, Orchestration by Wang Hui Ran

II:《少林神功》(选段)Shaolin Gongfu (excerpt)

琵琶Pipa: 张银 Zhang Yin

柳琴Liuqin: 司徒宝男 Seetoh Poh Lam

《水边的阿狄丽娜》 | 保罗·塞内维尔、奥利弗·杜桑作曲、瞿建青改编

Ballade pour Adeline | Composed by Paul de Senneville, Olivier Toussaint, Rearranged by Qu Jianqing

扬琴Yangqin: 马欢 Ma Huan

《大珠小珠合家欢》 | 骆思卫作曲

The Carnival of Plucked Strings | Composed by Sulwyn Lok

《在海底下》 | 亚伦•孟肯作曲、黄志耀编曲

Under the Sea | Composed by Alan Menken, Arranged by Ng Chee Yao

《水珠泡泡里的谜》 | 陈家荣作曲

Musical Adventure IV | Composed by Tan Kah Yong

Young Children’s Concert 2021: DiSCOvering Treasures of Chinese Music – Riddles in the Raindrops
