Temporal Oscillations. Electronics workshop led by artist Chok Si Xuan
Organised by: NTU Centre for Contemporary Art SingaporePerformed by: Chok Si Xuan
This workshop will explore how to use common electronic components to modulate the flow of electricity, assemble and hijack standard systems of temporality. Participants will learn how a 555 timer integrated circuit (IC) forms an astable multivibrator. The 555 timer IC is a tiny chip found in many everyday devices—blinking LED lights, kitchen timers, alarm systems, sound makers, etc.—that modulates the frequencies of electrical signals. The term 'astable' means 'not stable' because the circuit never settles into a single state, is a basic electronic circuit that generates a continuous oscillating output, switching between two voltage levels.
Working with pre-assembled circuits created by the artist, participants will be able to experiment with various components (small motors, LED lights, and speakers, etc) as outputs. Exploring the transformation of different forms of energy—chemical energy from batteries, mechanical energy , kinetic energy and byproduct thermal energy, the workshop accesses materiality as a manner of understanding the fundamental ways systems unfold.
Through engaging with electronic circuits in a hands-on and accessible way, participants can expect to develop a direct understanding of some visible and less visible aspects that power everyday technology. Participants are encouraged to bring their own components for experimentation. These may include battery-operated toys, LED lights or small light strips, buzzers or small speakers, direct current (DC) motors, small fans, switches or buttons, old electronic parts like sensors or wires, and similar items.
This workshop is part of the Empirical Workshop Series of Communities of Practice. Techno Diversions.
This workshop is suitable for age 18 and above.
No prior knowledge of electronics is required.
Limited slots only!
This workshop is free for all participants. A refundable deposit of SGD 10 is requested to book a slot. The deposit will be returned upon attendance of the event. There will be no refund in case of no-show.
If you have questions, please email ntuccacomms@ntu.edu.sg