Visual Arts, Festival

Kolam Ayer CACC PAssionArts Festival 2023: Blossom of Colours

Organised by: PAssionArts
  • Date:
    17 Sep 2023
  • Time:
    9:00am - 12:00pm
  • Duration:
  • Venue:
    Amphitheatre near Blk 67 Kallang Bahru 67 Kallang Bahru, Singapore 330067
    Amphitheatre near Blk 67 Kallang Bahru 67 Kallang Bahru, Singapore 330067Amphitheatre near Blk 67 Kallang Bahru 67 Kallang Bahru, Singapore 330067
  • Language:
  • Admission:


Join us for a day of arts and crafts, live band performance, snacks and more at PAssionArts Festival: Blossom of Colours!

Date & time: 17 Sep 2023 (Sun), 9am to 12pm
Venue: Amphitheatre near Blk 67 Kallang Bahru
Price: $3/pax

Ticket holders will get to redeem a LiHo bubble tea upon completing a plastic flower at our craft booth!

To register, go to

Hurry, grab your tickets before 16 Sep 2023. See you there!

Kolam Ayer CACC PAssionArts Festival 2023: Blossom of Colours
