
7byONE: vis-à-vis

Organised by: ONE Chamber Choir
  • Date:
    25 May 2024
  • Time:
    4:00pm, 8:00pm
  • Duration:
  • Venue:
    The Arts House Chamber
    The Arts House ChamberThe Arts House Chamber
  • Admission:
    $32, excluding booking fees
    Purchase tickets via Eventbrite link
  • Advisory:
    Infants in arms or children below the age of 6 shall not be admitted. Children aged 6 years and above must purchase tickets for admission.


Do not resist the darkness
Do not chase the light

Embrace, receive
Whichever arrives.

For how do we know dark is dark?
Or light, light?

7byONE is a series of concerts intended to engage the five senses and tickle the 6th sense with surprises to achieve the 7th sense of joy.

Join us on this journey as we tread the delicate balance of this dichotomy and perhaps, see them converge into ONE.

7byONE: vis-à-vis
