Theatre, Dance, Festival


Organised by: M1 Singapore Fringe Festival
Performed by: J’Sun Howard (USA)
  • Date:
    17 - 18 Jan 2024
  • Time:
  • Duration:
  • Venue:
    Esplanade Theatre Studio
    Esplanade Theatre StudioEsplanade Theatre Studio
  • Language:
  • Admission:
    $35 | $28*
    *Concession for students, NSF, senior citizens and PWD cardholders

    Esplanade&Me Specials (7 Nov - 15 Dec 2023, limited tickets)
    Black & White card members enjoy a 10% discount off standard price tickets. Log in to your Esplanade&Me member account to access the promo code.

    Accessibility features: open captions in English for all shows
  • Advisory:
    Rating: General


"... resists essentialist notions of Black masculinity by imagining a world where Black pain... is met with Black tenderness, care, and community."
—Frenzied H(e)avens: African American Post Exilic Realities
in J'Sun Howard's "aMoratorium" by Brianna Alexis Heath

aMoratorium was initially commissioned by the Art Institute of Chicago to respond to its retrospective of Charles Wilbert White, a visual artist who powerfully interpreted African American history, culture, and lives over the course of his four-decade career.

aMoratorium explores Black male identity, visibility, temporality, and its absence, and further examines death as it relates to the Black church and Black spiritual traditions. It is an intimate performance that expresses generous, compassionate,​and loving play between Black and Brown men in our current socio-political climate.

Choreographer J'Sun Howard and his collaborators performers Dedrick "D. Banks" Gray and Timothy "Solomon" Bowser, and DJ Jared Brown, have created a frank and courageous dance-theatre performance. Standing at the intersection between art, activism, education, and social engagement, aMoratorium challenges racial supremacy, police brutality, global anti-Blackness, homophobia, and xenophobia.

Post-show dialogue on 18 January 2024, with speech to text interpretation available upon request. Please email your request to before 15 December 2023.

Accessibility features: open captions in English for all shows

