"Ainthinai — A Timeless Bond" is a film music concert that unfolds an enduring love story inspired from the rich narratives of Sanga Kala Literature. Witness the interdisciplinary approach that transcends temporal and geographical boundaries. As the ethereal music of Niranjan Pandian breath life into the mesmerizing film by Darshan K, allowing the enchanting story by Aswani Aswath to bring you onto a journey through the five breathtaking landforms, also known Ainthinai. This musical extravaganza paints a vivid portrait of love's timelessness.
With support from the National Arts Council's START Fund and Tamil Language Learning and Promotion Committee (TLLPC), Brahmastra proudly presents Ainthinai — A Timeless Bond, starring a talented trio Kishore Kumar, Indu Elangovan, and Gayathri Sekharan, alongside the musicians from the Brahmastra Ensemble.
On November 4th (7:30pm) and November 5th (3:30pm), music, love, and art converges in a spectacular film music concert at the Goodman Arts Centre. You will not want to miss this! Mark your calendar!