一位不得志的独居老作家,饱受一位滥用职权的官员的欺凌与威胁。一位来历不明的外地女郎要求租赁房间,作为提供可疑的推拿按摩服务的场所...... 一位年轻貌美的补习老师,接受了一位中年丧妻的官员的殷勤,替官员年过三 十仍在求学的傻儿补习......
在一处地契期满、无偿归还的住所里,一条爱说脏话的白狗和 一尊造型性感的狐仙像,共同见证了这一切。
《大狗民》灵感取自《聊斋志异》,描绘了一场荒诞的情欲噩梦,书写了一个 魔幻的现实困境。钟达成与刘晓义继5 年前备受好评的《大猪民》之后,再度 携手联合编剧。《大狗民》由钟达成执导, 李邪、刘晓义、詹辉朕、郭沛珊领 衔主演,为您构建一个笑里藏泪、喜中带悲的"新都市聊斋"。
A literary hermit with unfulfilled ambitions is abused by a corrupt official. A shady foreign lady seeks to rent a room to run an equally shady massage parlor. A middle-aged widower hires an alluring tutor to help his dim-witted son, who has yet to graduate after more than 20 years.
In a house with an expired lease,
A profanity-spewing dog
And a racy fox spirit idol
Bear witness to all that transpires
Man or ghost? Fox or demon?
Was it all real or false? Truth or illusion?
Inspired by Liaozhai, Citizen Dog is an absurd tale of desires in their nightmarish glory, a surreal dreamscape that reflects real world problems. With their critically acclaimed creation Citizen Pig (2013), the creative duo, Oliver Chong and Liu Xiaoyi, returns with an all-new Citizen Dog. Directed by Oliver Chong, and starring Li Xie, Liu Xiaoyi, Alvin Chiam and Jo Kwek, Citizen Dog infuses an urban twist into the classic Liaozhai, which will make your heart ache even as it soars, and lift even as it sinks.