Theatre, Talk/Workshop, Festival

亲子工作坊:制偶操偶123 Parent-Child Workshop: Let’s Make a Puppet

Organised by: 实践剧场 The Theatre Practice
  • Date:
    19 Aug 2017
  • Time:
  • Duration:
  • Venue:
    42 新剧中心排练室 Centre 42 Rehearsal Studio
    42 新剧中心排练室 Centre 42 Rehearsal Studio42 新剧中心排练室 Centre 42 Rehearsal Studio
  • Admission:
    $20 (1孩子 + 1位家长陪同1 Child + 1 Accompanying Parent)
    $10 (额外一名成人 per additional parent)
  • Advisory:
    适合5至12岁的孩童 For children aged 5 – 12



Create your own Teru Teru Bozu (traditional Japanese Doll) puppet with Short One Player, and give it life through simple puppetry techniques! Look forward to a bonding session filled with lots of parent-child interaction!

亲子工作坊:制偶操偶123 Parent-Child Workshop: Let’s Make a Puppet
