After 2014′s IgnorLAND of its Time in Bukit Ho Swee, Drama Box turns its focus to Dakota Crescent for the fourth installation: IgnorLAND of its Loss.
Dakota Crescent is no stranger to most people these days, particularly when news about its redevelopment plans broke in July 2014. The estate is one of Singapore's oldest public housing estates and is built by Singapore Improvement Trust in 1958. It has been earmarked for redevelopment and residents are to vacate by end 2016.
Development does bring along something new, but it also takes something away from us. How do we cope with this loss? Are there other possibilities?
Community-engaged arts project IgnorLAND of its Loss hopes to invite audiences to imagine alternatives and have a dialogue about the decision-making process regarding our land.
As part of our long-drawn-out efforts to engage with and gather stories from the community, the team has been working very closely with the residents as well as various other stakeholders since 2015.
This collaboration will inculcate into a site-specific arts project at Dakota Crescent in July 2016. The production will feature a mix of sharing by non-actors who are part of the Dakota Crescent story as well as dramatic framing performed by professional actors.
GoLi – The Moving Theatre will also make its appearance at IgnorLAND of its Loss.
在位于河水山组屋区内举行的《不知岛的时光》结束后,我们接下来的*《不知岛的迷失》将焦点转向达哥打弯(Dakota Crescent)。
GoLi 《弹珠移动剧场》也将在《不知岛的迷失》中亮相。